Your Guide to
Erotic Intelligence
the Path to True Connection
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What is Erotic Intelligence?
Erotic Intelligence combines the knowledge of sexuality and pleasure with emotional intelligence to develop deeper relationships.
In our workshops and private sessions our aim is to help you develop and deepen your connection with yourself or your partner on all levels. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Get a taste of Energetic Bliss and True Connection at one of our introductory events that we offer in select countries worldwide.
Do you have personal issues that you don't want to share with others? I offer private classes and sessions for men, women and couples.
Curious about how to sense, move and clear your energy? Come and explore energy mastery and true connections with others on a weekend workshops.
Reviews from Clients and Students

From Students
"The workshop with Shekina was a great, fun and at the same time deep experience. Exploring new ways of playing with our own energy as much as with others's was a great discovery. The juiciness, playfulness and the connection between participants added something even more special to the whole workshop. Definitely recommended!"
[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Elissar EH" company="Maastricht, Netherlands" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]"For the first time in my life I feel these points in my body. For the first time I feel how to connect to my inner energy through these points, of course thanks to Shekina Ray and her great techniques and teachings, she raised my awareness towards my body via a different realm. Even the physical pains that I have were gone, when she taught me special techniques and massages. She helped me to connect to myself in different new way and to look at myself from compassionate prospect. I can’t thank her enough, hoping to learn from her more in the future."[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Andre Van Vliet " company=" Antwerp, Belgium" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]
From Clients
"Hi Shekina I’m well, thank you. I had quite a busy day yesterday but still remained present with my mind and body. I think I am still processing our session in Saturday. I’m feeling a sense of joy and freedom, knowing that I can be in my pleasure and really enjoy it! So, thank you for showing me the way! I hope you have a great week ahead."
[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Robby G." company="Hasselt, BE" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]"I notice that I don't have so much mental conversations as before. Not much negative thoughts. Energy level is okay and for some how i feel like i had a reset. I feel a little bit like a have a new soft virgin body, haha. Also my sexual parts feel different, like they had a reset also. Have a nice day bye byeee x"[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="David N." company="London, UK" image="" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]On a physical level I feel a low level consistent arousal in my root chakra and an opening and spaciousness around my heart. As a result I feel potent and secure sexually and emotionally. No lash back from the old traumas as of yet, but I do feel consciously aware of their powerful control and suppression that had been assimilated through my system, and the fear that their energies engendered throughout my being. Never-the-less I presently feel well recoursed and safe from their return. However I don’t want to speak too soon as yesterday showed me the full extent of their strength, the hold they had over me and their insidious poisoning of my true nature. I will patiently abide in the energies awakened and see what manifests over the coming days and weeks. With love and deep gratitude, I bow to you my goddess healer. ”[/op_testimonial_slide][/op_testimonial_slider]