De-Stress, Re-Energise and Connect

Online Course

Shekina Ray

Welcome on my video page and thank you so much for your kind donation! 

Now you can get started with the online workshop, i hope you get truly inspired.

1. Kundalini Shaking 

I find this method one of the quickest and easiest ways to release tension, anxiety, fear, worry,  etc. Please listen to the instructions and then play the music that I posted here or any other music that has a good, fast beat. Breathe through your nose, out through your mouth, make sounds and let your body move the way it wants to move...

Here is the link to the music:

2. Relaxation after Kundalini Shaking

You can try this relaxation technique after the Kundalini Shaking exercise or on it's own when you feel tense, worried, stressed.  

3. Feeling your Energy  

In this video show you how to feel your energy. This exercise is the first step in being able to feel energy. Later on we will build on it by learning how to move and clear your energy field.  

4. Connecting with your partner energetically.  

You can also try it with your partner. If you don't have a partner, just repeat the first exercise.  

5. Connecting with your partner - Eye Gazing 

Here is a quick and effective way to connect with your partner just by looking into each other's eyes.                                                                                 

6. Connecting with the hands on each other's heart.  

This is another wonderful way to connect with your partner. In this exercise we used a chair instead of sitting on a mat. All the exercises can be done standing or sitting on a chair if you   have any back, hip or knee problems.
The most important thing is that you are comfortable.

7. Kegel Exercise - helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles

Kegel Exercise - helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and prepare you to be able to move energy from your perineum (base chakra) to the top of your head (crown chakra). 

8. Microcosmic Orbit - With Kegel Exercise

In this video i combined the Kegel Exercise with the Microcosmic Orbit. Microcosmic Orbit simply means to gently lead the energy up the spine and down the front. As you breathe in imagine energy going up your spine and down on front as you exhale. After a while you can combine it with the Kegel Exercise.

Hope you Enjoyed the exercises.
I'll be adding more videos soon!
Love, Shekina

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